Acupuncture & TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) in Assisting the Reproduction Therapy Including IVF
There are different therapies used to assist reproduction in this country. The common ones are listed below.
ART: (Assisted Reproductive Technology) requires the administration of medication-containing FSH (Folicle stimulating Hormone), which controls follicle and egg development.
Ovalation Introduction/Homonal therapy: Clomiphene
Intro-Uterine Insemination (IUI)
In Virtra Fertilization (IVF)--ET (Embryo Transfer)
Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Frozen Embryo Transfer
TCM and acupuncture can help the above therapies to increase the rate of successful implantation. Based on different therapies and individual protocols (Antagonist regime, Agonist regime, Long protocol, Short protocol, Ultra long protocol), we will tailor your treatment plan to support your IVF or other therapy plan. The following treatment plan is only the example to show how does TCM and acupuncture assist IVF
Step 1: Preparation Before IVF
During this period, TCM and acupuncture treat the causes of the problem by using TCM Pattern differentiation with Cycle Therapy.
Common causes that TCM and acupuncture can treat include Irregular menstruation, Amenorrhea, DOR (diminished ovarian reserve), Dysmenorrhoea, POF (premature ovarian failure) ,PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, LPD (Luteal Phase Defect), etc.
Ideally, you will need three months Preparation in restoring adequate balance of energy, regulating function of organs, reducing chromosome abnormality, improving quality of eggs and endometrial receptivity, producing the best possible response to IVF drugs, enhancing chances to conceive.
The treatment can often improve the possibility of natural pregnancy during this three months preparation time.
1.1 Yin Phase/Follicular Phase: Day 5-12 of Cycle.
Kidney Yin/essence and blood dominate this phase, therefore the aim of the treatment is to nourish kidney Yin, enrich Qi and blood to support oestrogen, enhance eggs quality, consolidate endometrial lining and to ensure the basic condition for conception that a successful implantation requires.
1.2 A Process of Transformation-Ovulation Phase: day 13 to 15.
Liver Qi (energy) and blood flow dominate ovulation. Liver Qi needs to be triggered to set off the transformation of Yin energy (oestrogen) into Yang energy (progesterone). TCM and acupuncture can nourish kidney Yin and warm kidney Yang to assist the transformation via soothing liver Qi and activating blood to facilitate ovulation.
1.3 Yang Phase -Luteal Phase: day 16-25
Kidney Yang and spleen Qi play dominating role in this Yang phase.
The TCM and acupuncture focus on improving kidney Yang and spleen Qi, nourishing blood so as to strengthen progesterone & improve the success rate of implantation and conception.
1.4 The Premenstrual Phase: day 26 -28
Liver Qi is helpful in assisting premenstrual transformation, converting Yang energy into Yin energy, harmonizing liver Qi, increasing blood circulation, unblocking the channels and regulating period.
1.5 The Blood Phase-Menstrual Phase : day 1-4
Menstruation is a time of rest for all the energies. The focus of this period is regulating Qi and blood, nourishing Yin and removing blood stasis in order to ensure the new and fresh blood take its place in the womb.
TCM and Acupuncture During IVF
Individualized treatment will be performed based on personal IVF protocols.
* Down regulation: 2 to 4 weeks prior to ovarian stimulation.
Soothing liver Qi & strengthening spleen, harmonizing Qi & blood.
* Hormonal stimulation (stimulating and promoting ovulation): day 2 or day 3 of menstrual period till EC (egg collection).
To supply kidney Yin and improve spleen Qi, nourish blood and calm down mood for patient.
* TCM and Acupuncture between EC (egg collection) and ET (embryo transfer).
Regulating liver Qi & Blood, Nourishing heart blood, calming down emotion & uterus.
* TCM and Acupuncture on the day of IVF/ET
Nourishing heart blood to calm down moods, strengthening spleen Qi to hold embryos in the uterus.
Two sessions of Acupuncture before and straight after ET
* After ET & during early pregnancy
Improving kidney & spleen, nourishing Qi & blood, thus calming down the uterus to help successful implantation.
Acupuncture two sessions within 7 days after ET.
Summery :TCM and acupuncture improves IVF outcome by
Increasing blood supply to uterus and ovaries, strengthening endometrial lining, Improving egg quality and balancing hormone levels and creating a more receptive environment in the womb for conception. The treatment can calm the uterus to prepare for implantation and maintain a pregnancy if successful, and minimize the risk of miscarriage.